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Hobbs ElectroOptics

QL01 Photoreceiver

QL01 Photoreceiver

Regular price $1,200.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $1,200.00 USD
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QL01 Quantum Limited Photoreceiver

Bandwidth DC - 1 MHz
Rise/Fall Time 400 ns
Transimpedance 10 MΩ
Slew Rate No slew limiting with full scale step input
Output Voltage 0-10 V
Dark Current (20o C) 2 nA
Output Impedance 50 Ω

Model Comparison

Model A Model B
NEP @ 840 nm (DC - 20 kHz) 70 fW 70 fW
NEP @ 840 nm (DC - 100 kHz) 80 fW 70 fW
NEP @ 840 nm (DC - 1 MHz) 170 fW 125 fW
RMS Noise (DC - 20 kHz) 70 μV 63 μV
RMS Noise (DC - 100 kHz) 160 μV 145 μV
RMS Noise (DC - 1 MHz) 1.1 mV 0.8 mV



  • Spectroscopy
  • Micro-plate readers
  • Beam analysis
  • Test systems
  • Optical source calibration
  • Florescence
  • Proof of concept & test systems


With a quantum-limited photoreceiver, the signal-to-noise ratio of the measurement is just that of the light itself – all the information present in your optical signal is preserved for the measurement. Typically we’re working pretty hard to get that signal, so it’s a shame to let a poor photoreceiver degrade it. That’s where the QL01 comes in.

Competing products may reach this level near DC, but none beyond 10 kHz, a full factor of 100 slower than the QL01.
Why should you care about speed? First of all, with 100 times the bandwidth and the same noise level, you get 100 times more data. More subtly, you can do your measurement further from DC, where many sources of noise and interference are much less troublesome.


For larger quantities or OEM inquiries please email us at

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